Refund Policy
The refund policy is subject to change without prior notice. Refunds are contingent upon payment in full of tuition and fees.
Fall and Spring Tuition Refund Policy
- Log into your WarriorWeb account.
- Under Student Accounts choose Banking Information – only United States banks can be used, foreign banks are not an option for direct deposit.
- Add an Account, Activate, and click Next.
- Enter your bank routing number, your bank account number, and type of account.
- Agree to terms and conditions. Submit.
- You will receive an onscreen and an emailed confirmation.
Notifications of withdrawal and requests for refunds must be in writing. For procedures on withdrawing please review the information and total withdrawal form on the Registrar's Office webpage. Refunds are processed upon the completion of the withdrawal process. Please see the withdrawal information located in the Admission/Registrar section of the catalog. Federal regulations regarding Title IV federal financial aid take precedence over institutional policy for refunds to recipients of Title IV financial aid.
Federal financial aid recipients ‘earn’ their aid as the semester progresses. When a federal aid recipient withdraws, a pro rata schedule is used to determine the amount of funds the student has earned at the time of withdrawal. LC State returns the 'unearned' aid to the applicable federal program. An aid recipient who has completed 60% of the term is considered to have ‘earned all of their aid’. Students who receive federal aid and do not complete 60% of the semester must repay a portion of the ‘unearned’ aid immediately. The earlier a student withdraws, the less aid they earn.
Students who do not earn any credits and do not withdraw, may have their earned aid calculation based on the mid-point of the semester, or the last date of an academically related activity in which the student participated and the school can verify. LC State returns the 'unearned' aid to the applicable federal program.
For examples of the earned and unearned aid calculations, please review the Student Consumer Information page. The student is responsible to pay LC State within 30 days the unearned aid that was returned by LC State under the Return of Title IV Funds federal regulations.
Notifications of dropping a class or classes and requests for refunds must be in writing. Refunds are processed upon the completion of the drop process. Please see the drop information located in the policy section of the catalog.
When the drop is completed before the first day of the semester, 100% of the tuition and fees will be refunded. If the drop is completed after the semester has begun, the following schedule applies:
Day 10 100% Tuition and Course Fees
Week 3 50% Tuition only - No refund of Course Fees
Week 4 0% No Refund of Tuition or Course Fees
Refunds will be distributed in the order noted below based upon the number of remaining credits after the drop has been processed.
Refunds are distributed in the following order:
1) Sponsored Funding, if applicable
2) Student
Refunds are distributed in the following order:
1) Sponsored Funding, if applicable
2) Title IV Financial Aid, if applicable
3) Scholarships, if applicable
4) Other funding, if applicable (i.e. alternative loans)
5) Student
When withdrawal is completed on or before the tenth day of the semester, 100% of the tuition and fees will be refunded. If withdrawal is completed after the semester has begun, the following schedule applies:
Day 10 100%
Week 3 50%
Week 4 0%
Overload fees are refunded using the same schedule as Tuition & Fees (above).
- All refunds include an administrative fee equal to 5% of tuition and fees.
- See Dates & Deadlines for semester specific dates.
Refunds of less than $10.00 will be held on the student account for a minimum of 3 semesters, unless financial aid funds are involved.
If tuition and fees are paid by credit card, refunds will be applied back to the credit card when possible.
Course fees have their own schedule and will be refunded as follows:
Day | Refund % |
1-10 | 100% |
11 and thereafter | 0% |
The percentages listed below pertain to the per credit registration fees. Additional course fees, lab fees, and program fees are non-refundable after the tenth day of the session.
100% refund through Day 10 of session
50% refund through Week 3 of session
No refund after the third week of session
See Dates & Deadlines for specific dates.
For students who have NOT received federal financial aid, refunds are presented in the following order:
1) Sponsored Funding, if applicable
2) Scholarship(s), if applicable
3) Student
For recipients of financial aid, refunds are distributed in the following order based upon Return of Title IV Funds regulations:
1) Unsubsidized FFEL/Direct Stafford Loan
2) Subsidized FFEL/Direct Stafford Loan
3) FFEL/Direct PLUS Loan
4) Federal Pell Grant
5) Federal SEOG
6) Other Student Title IV Aid Programs
7) Funding Agency, if applicable
8) Scholarship(s), if applicable
9) Student
Students who withdraw from school, and whose financial aid disbursements exceed the amount of Title IV aid earned during their enrollment period, will be required to repay the unearned portion of their Title IV financial aid. Additional information is available in the Student Accounts' office.
Effective Fall 2020
Day | Refund % |
1-10 | 100% |
11 and thereafter | 0% |
The prorated percentages listed below pertain to the per credit registration fees. Additional course fees, lab fees, and program fees are non-refundable after the tenth day of the session for summer school Sessions 1 and 2. Overload fees follow the same refund policy as tuition/registration fees.
Summer sessions Eleven-weeks (Session 1) or Eight-weeks (Session 2)
100% refund through day 10 of the session
50% refund through the third Friday of the session
No refund after the third Friday of the session
See Dates & Deadlines for specific dates.
The above referenced refund distribution order is applicable to all Summer refunds.