Accessibility Services
Accessibility Services at LC State serves the campus community by providing opportunities and accommodations for students with disabilities to enable them to take part in and enjoy the benefits of higher education. Additionally, we collaborate with faculty and staff to promote accessibility across campus through training, remediation, and consultation.
Reasonable Accommodation
It is the responsibility of the individual with a disability to self-identify to the Accessibility Services Office and to provide documentation.
When the individual and the Accessibility Services staff meet, they will discuss the appropriate and reasonable accommodations that may benefit the individual in the classroom, testing, the campus community, or other areas. Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis considering an individual's limitations and the academic demands and responsibilities of residential life at Lewis-Clark State College.
It is the disabled individual’s responsibility to begin the reasonable accommodation discussion, and the College’s responsibility to engage in a good-faith interaction with the individual, so that both parties can cooperate to develop a reasonable accommodation. Visit the LC State's Nondiscrimination web page for more information.
Students who believe they were not accommodated appropriately on campus or in their course (online or face-to-face) may begin the process of filing a grievance by contacting the Accessibility Services office, as outlined on the Grievance Procedures web page.
All events that take place on campus must meet accessibility standards in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Please review the Campus Activity and Event Accessibility Policy for more information.
LC State complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in allowing use of service animals for students, staff and visitors. LC State complies with the Fair Housing Act in allowing students the use of emotional support animals that are approved as an accommodation. Read the Service and Companion Animal Policy 5.309 for more information.